You can cancel your order within 10 minutes of placing it.
You can request cancellation of your order in two ways:
1. On the thank you page of your order, you can change the shipping delivery address or cancel your order by clicking Cancel Order
2. In the Your Orders section, if your order is still cancelable, you will see the time remaining to cancel it and the Cancel Order button
Clicking on Cancel Order will open a page informing you:
- of the time you still have to cancel your order
- all products in your order will be canceled
- if you have used a promotional code, you will be able to reuse it by the expiration date
- if you have already paid online, you will receive a refund within 6 business days
You will then need to select the reason for cancellation and finally click on Cancel Order.
If the cancellation of your order was successful, a message will appear on your screen confirming that the order has been cancelled and you will receive an email afterwards.
N.B. After the 10 minutes have passed, you will no longer be able to request an order cancellation.